Stork buns

 Children went to the Lithuanian Ethnographic Museum. Participated in the "Baking stork buns" education. Children watched the stork's nest, made storks, shaped and baked buns, looked for stork gifts.

Trip to the zoological museum

 The children (6 years old) went to Zoological Museum. During the education, they got to know the birds living in Lithuania and learned what happens in an eagle's nest. Watched a movie of owls feeding their young.

Birds and their homes

 Children (4 years old) and teacher talked about birds: which birds fly to warm countries and which stay in Lithuania for the winter. One child's grandmother came to the group to tell children about birds and which nests each bird lives in. Grandfather made a nest for starlings and put it in a tree in the yard of the kindergarten. Then children drew, applied and colored various birds.


The stork


Children (2 years old) got to know the stork, talked about its appearance. Looking at the depicted stork, they tried to draw it themselves.

 "Storks' village"

Children observed storks and their nest in pictures and then they went to see a real stork nest in the village.  Where do birds make their nests? Is it easy to make a nest? Children observed where the storks in the village have made their nests.

After that they took paper rolls and turned them into poles. Then they carefully examined what materials storks use to make their nests and tried to make themselves. The "house" was ready, now was the real time for storks to arrive. Each child made its own stork and put it in the nest. 

It turned out to be storks' village.


After reading a national folk-tale "How pigeon made its nest", the teacher asked children to examine carefully from what material birds make their nests. Our teacher Taiga has quite big collection of birds' nests.

After examining and naming all the materials, children went to the forest and picked all the necessary materials so that they could make nest. After that they put eggs there to see if their nest is durable or rare and unsustainable like the one that the pigeon had.